D'Alessandro Termomecccanica

D’Alessandro Termomecccanica company has been producing  since 1980 biomass heating genrators paying great attention to the design and to the tecnological research of alternative heating solution.
The high quality standerds of its products and services is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, it assures high quality services and produacts thanks to the attentive planning of the production cycle/process and to the strict observance of the operation stages.
The heating genrators are also certified according to the European Standard normative EN 303-5:2004 (class 3) and EN 303-5:2012 (class 5).
D’Alessandro Termomecccanica provides several heating solutions for residential, agriculture and zootechnical, sectors, and also for the appliation of its own heating generators in industial plants, district heating systems and so on.
The boilers are manufactured to be fed with solid fuels, such as solid pellet and biomasses deriving from agriculture and forestall residual products (wood, olive husk, crushed fruit shells and bits, wood chips, wood- shaving, and sawdust and so on).
Among the renewable energgetic sources, biomassesrepresent a great resource for man and the enviormental protection.
In 2010 D’Alessandro Termomecccanica decided to enter also in the industrial fields analysing new developments focusing its attention partucularly to the continuous evolution of the market demends and the different fiels for the application its own generators.
The constant research brought D’Alessandro Termomecccanica to extend its product range and increase its technical know-how with intention of serving industrial and cogeneration technoligical plants through the production of steam boilers, over – heated water boiler (using both water tube and smoke tube boiler systems) and thermal oil boilers.